22 February 2007 ++
bday celebration with the girls.
i am officially 23. weep.
10 years of friendship (mile freaking 20 years. gasp.) and still going strong. 1:10 AM
21 February 2007 ++
CNY has never been this fun.
posing as...













19 February 2007 ++
-uniY fundraising event-
Cool concept. A considerable success.
debs the mamasan with fiona the flasher.
14 February 2007 ++
Dolled up for a night of fun at zouk.

I wanna go clubbinggggg!!! 2:11 AM
Happy Valentine's to one and all.
Today is the day to show exceptional appreciation to the one u love.
So, to my true friends out there.. I love you all.
I know I ain't saying that enough.
ilu ilu ilu!
And it comes with...
a *big fat wet kiss*
Love is in the air~
My favourite verse from the bible that truly defines the meaning of love.
...without love I am nothing... without love I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perserveres. -1 Corinthians 13:4
Unconditional love is tough isn't it? But i am beginning to understand. 1:26 AM
12 February 2007 ++
Nothing beats..
chocolate cake,
a glass of champagne,
and a good friend.
05 February 2007 ++
As I was shifting all my must-haves from my sea training bag to my land training bag(yes they all have a different purpose),
I finally figure why my bag is always so huge.
You must have came across magazines that feature stuff celebrities/ladies carry in their handbags.
So I shall let you have a peek or more like declare wads inside that as-huge-as-Marry Poppin's-bag.
*debbie's barang barang*
Bright orange braun buffel wallet. I lurvvvveee it. I don't get why NO ONE appreciates it.
Monokuro boo diary. lol.
Dull orange nalgene bottle.
Shocking green nano covered in sunny orange sleeve.
Coach keychain(pretty! btw all my st.margs gals have the exact keychain of a different colour. how sweet is that?) is in a hotpink accessorize pouch, which is also pretty. lol.
Handphone protected by m)phosis hardcover casing.
Tissue paper in m)phosis brown leathery casing.
Nivea lipcare, lancome juicy tubes, bodyshop spring orchid, davidoff coolwater, eyebrown shader, clinque concealer, guardian plaster, nurofen, mirror and eyedrops in a big enough esprit waterproof pouch.
Alot of stuff huh?
By now you should have noticed my peculiar obsession.
Yes! I know there are many casings but they served a purpose alrite?
1. They look pretty so it makes me feel good. but more importantly...
2. They protect my stuff from getting scratches.
3. They help organise all the different small items.
See! I do things for a reason, it's not pure vanity. 1:19 PM
430am and I am only halfway through my Alice assignment. *pout*
Wandering what is Alice?
Not the girl in wonderland you stupid but an animation programming software.
Kinda fun. You can try downloading, it's free and user-friendly.
Anyway, I finally find the time to watch the updated episodes of Heros and Prison Break.
Wentworth Miller, I still love you. (despite of rumours saying that you are gay)
You have the sexiest glare ever! lol.
I should seriously consider starting his fan club here.
Maybe as the president, I get exclusive rights like flying to California to visit him.
I swear I'll be all ready to..
Haven't post any pictures for a while.
I like pictures, they speak a thousand words.
cool. 4:34 AM
02 February 2007 ++
A question was thrown at me of how I define an ideal friend.
I was stuck for a moment but confidently replied that..
He/She is there for me when I am in need
I enjoy his/her presence under all circumstances
I need little explanation for him/her to understand my intention.
So what came to my mind was..
Does that ideal friend even exists?
What qualifies a friend anyway?
A few days ago, I made a special trip down to New Urban Male to get a pair of sandals for a friend.
i gleefully showed Sa my quest but was asked why did i buy a footwear since it is unauspicious.
I was quick to justify that because his slippers were already worn out.
Sa commended me for my thoughtful gesture and for a moment I was pleased with myself, till i reflect the whole process.
Well, actually that gift was sort of my last resort.
I tried searching for the perfect bday present but frankly I had no clue what to get.
So I gathered information solely from our previous meeting.
I pondered then, how is it possible that he is a friend I treasure and yet I know so little about him?
(This also applies to a handful of my so-called friends)
And I figured it is my ignorance and pride.
Like how I refuse to initiate a meet-up or drop a message to show that I actually care.
Overwhelmed with guilt and regrets now is a little late cos he is flying off.
Hence, treasure every moment with those you truly care as you'll never know what the future holds.
I guess as long as I do care for you, you are my friend.
But it takes much more to be a good friend.
Are you a good friend? If not, do something about it. 11:37 PM
01 February 2007 ++
I guess he is right. 2007 will be a good year.
There are signs to that already.
1. I've been lucky
2. I'm building friendship with many
3. I'm more occupied which is good cos I'm happier
Goodness it's feburary already. And my worst fear is drawing near.
23.. very soon. =(
22 is okay but 23 is erm.. The only comfort I get is that Anisa is even... *evil grin* 11:30 PM