18 January 2007 ++
I am so damn darn happy!
happy happy happy!
I wanna hug my friends. 12:28 AM
14 January 2007 ++
I was telling Anisa the other day how some friends will always remain special to me.
A song that this friend thought of dedicating.
Emotion by Destiny's Child
It's over and done
but the heartache lives on inside
And who's the one you're clinging to
instead of me tonight?
And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart
In the words of a broken heart
it's just emotion taking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight
I'm there at your side,
I'm part of all the things you are
But you've got a part of someone else
You've got to find your shining star
And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart
In the words of a broken heart
it's just emotion taking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight
And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart
In the words of a broken heart
it's just emotion taking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight
=) 2:44 AM
12 January 2007 ++
Dragonboat is recruiting. I love our mailers.
The First. Sent on 10th Jan

The Second. Sent on 11th Jan

Final one sent on 14th Jan.

eh.. another one

Join Dragonboat today! =) 3:08 AM
06 January 2007 ++
Lost. Despair. Pain. Sadness. I havent been this miserable for the longest time.
How long more do I have to suffer? There are traces of him everywhere.
Am i making the right decision or is this too high a price to pay? 12:11 PM
02 January 2007 ++
Having Xinyi chattering (all the time) how fantastic Prison Break is, I promised her I'll watch.
Guess what? I've completed Prison Break season 1 and 13 episodes of season 2 in 3 days. And I must say..
Wentworth Miller I adore you. too.
So, byebye Brad Pitt and hello Wentworth Miller.
You are hawt hawt hawt.
But the story plot is driving me crazy. Like wah liao, where got so coincidental one.
Though it's addictive but I'm sort of begging the story to end, it's getting ridiculous.
And burdensome.
Like now I am forcing myself to watch Lost season 3 cos i just have to find out who the hell are "The Others".
So there, my list of unfinished serials is piling. Lost, desperate housewives, prision break, heros, supernatural.... 3:18 AM
Thank God for the good weather this weekend.
So I finally get to skate..
I have an extra pair of size 6 blades. Anyone cares to join me?
Believe or not, I have never set New Year resolution. Guess I have always been doing things aimlessly.
So, few stuff I must accomplish this year:
1. Get my driving license
2. YEP or work and travel
3. Either go for diving/ skiing trip
looks like it's gonna be a fulfilling year.
It's 3am and my brother is still playing majong at this hour. To think about it, I have never played majong overnight, which is quite pathetic don't you think? For a start, who wants to teach me majong? 2:58 AM