23 November 2006 ++
I had my last presentation but I am not at all elated.
More pix of river regatta.

my darlings

sexy pose that is so not so sexy

me, peiying and esther

the year4s

why is rosh stonning?

us and lao shi. now wad is bk trying to do?

another team photo

enough of photos. 7:15 PM
21 November 2006 ++
I know you suckers are mugging for exams but I don't give a damn. I gloat all I want (besides the fact that I don't have to memorise theories or stare at formulae) cos I'm leaving this miserable island in 23 days time.
Phuket here I come!!!
Sunbath, watersports, elephant rides. Whooohoooo~ =D

happy happy happy! 11:18 PM
20 November 2006 ++
If I remember correctly, the last time I performed a dance was when I was sec 2 during the Relgious Emphasis Week. Geeez! I'm reminded of my age again. 8 years of hibernation and now I have to dance in front of a crowd seems far-fetched. Anyway, like it or not I have to do it cos this less-than-5-minutes-performace weighs like bloodly 30percent. I'm curious how the prof is going to grade since this is very much a group effort.
Apparently, the performace was filmed and supposedly broadcasted on smu website, but, shrug, couldn't find it. I promise to share that is if I ever find it. hah! Meantime u guys can glimpse through some shots taken.
This set of photos I dun look debbieish. kinda odd don't you think?
chinese dance grp

indian dance grp

malay dance grp

office bounce

featuring esther, fiona and I aka the photowhores.

esther cannot act seh for nuts

left and right rower reunite

I want to take up dance classes! 8:40 PM
One of my many lesbian partners, Peiying, have yet to send her pix, then I can't post all at a go. Troublesome.
My roll of regatta pix...
The things smu dragonboaters do while waiting for the next race...
The boys...

read the papers

solve sudoku



Meanwhile, the girls were busy posing..
the divinities. don't mess with us.

me and my lesbian partner. sophie is also interested.

me and pretty weiling

me and beautiful sophie

still napping! *faint*

after a good nap..

then caress

kekekeke =) 8:33 PM
19 November 2006 ++
weeee~ The worst is over.
Goodness, I managed to scrape through that disgusting week.
All hail to debbie!
I bet every smu student goes through at least one rough week every term.
When I say rough week I meant reports/presentations/tests/meetings one after another.
Suddenly you feel like a celebrity or some big shot.
Now that it's over, I need shopping, badly. My form of cleansing ritual.
Good news to share, bronze medal for river regatta race =)
The guys earned it, they've put such a good fight.
Victory smiles...

A proud team...

MR500 here we come. 7:51 PM
08 November 2006 ++
A suprise bday party for captain zhui after training.

3 days to river regatta... 2:17 PM
07 November 2006 ++
I am counting down...
31 days to seeing/hugging/kissing my dearly missed St.Margs girls.
24 days to 3rd year anniversary with you-know-who.
16 days to my last presentation.
10 days to my freaky dance performance.
5 days to seeing/hugging/kissing Anisa.
4 days to River Regatta race. Weeee~
Treasuring every minute, every second. 11:34 PM
Collage created by Gene. =)
Fond memories...

Lovely song. Breathing by Lifehouse.
I'm finding my way back to sanity, again
Though I don't really know what
I am gonna do when I get there
Take a breath and hold on tight
Spin around one more time
And gracefully fall back in the arms of grace
I am hanging on every word you say
And even if you don't want to speak tonight
That's alright, alright with me
'Cause I want nothing more than to sit
Outside Heaven's door and listen to you breathing
Is where I want to be
I am looking past the shadows
Of my mind into the truth and
I'm trying to identify
The voices in my head
God, which one's you?
Let me feel one more time
What it feels like to feel
And break these calluses off me
One more time
'Cause I am hanging on every word you say
And even if you don't want to speak tonight
That's alright, alright with me
'Cause I want nothing more than to sit
Outside your door and listen to you breathing
Is where I want to be
I don't want a thing from you
Bet you're tired of me waiting
For the scraps to fall
Off your table to the ground
I just want o be here now 2:47 AM