07 September 2006 ++
I flipped my dairy this morning and figured it's time to clear my to-do list. Crucial stuff to settle:
1. take a decent i/c photo so as to
2. replace my i/c which is lost for more than 6 mths
3. intern report
4. top up cash card so that i can start printing my notes accumulated since week 1
5. alternatively, buy printer ink
6. fix locker, the bloody knob is stuck!
7. buy a dance concert ticket
8. buy birthday gift for brother
9. buy birthday gift for gene
yada yada...
So many things to do and I am so lazy.
So many things to do and yet I am doing this...
1. I am a procrastinator. That you already knew.
2. I am 1.62m tall
3. I am spendthrift
4. I hate mutton and dislike lard
5. I wear cup B bra
6. I paint my nails almost every other day
7. I on my radio to sleep
7 Favourite music at the moment:
1. Aint no other man by Christina Aguilera
2. Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
3. You and I by Jason Miraz
4. Let there by love by Oasis
5. She will be loved by Maroon 5
6. Blind by LIfehouse
7. The blower's daughter by Damien Rice
7 Things i like most:
1. I like men especially if they are cute, not hunky, not handsome but cute. Still, I love my bf.
2. I like glitz and glamour
3. I like money cos I need it to do the things I like
4. I like shopping
5. I like travelling
5. I like sports especially dragonboating and skating
6. I like movies, the sophisticated kind not horror definitety
7. I like sleeping with my radio on.
7 things i say most:
1. F*** it
2. damn it
3. Oh shit
5. Te ma de
6. Wah liao
7. Huh...
7 lucky ppl to do this:
1. Anisa
2. Esther
3. Shunqing
4. Jinhui
5. Xinyi
6. Jeremy
7. Caleb
Wah rao I have less than 7 pple who reads my blog la. How pathetic. Anyway I dun get it why must it be 7? Alrite more pictures.

Last thing to add. I am feeling a little empty this semester and I guess is the absence anisa's laughter. I was reading her blog today, I miss her dearly. Oh! and New Zealand is Beautiful. Check out her blog http://wanderinginnewzealand.blogspot.com
Goodnite =)
10:32 AM