28 January 2006 ++
Round 2:
1. Xmas Eve:
Xmas pizza *slurp*

Gigantic Xmas tree
2. New year eve:
5% alcohol gives me rosy cheeks
Enough of pictures.
Are you wondering why am I awake at this weeeee~ hour? My bladder la, disrupts my sleep. I hate it when I have to pee in the middle of the night cos i always have problem getting back to bed. Anyway, I have something to bitch about...
You all know that I always say I am blessed with nice people around me. Hope it stays that way FOREVER. As you grow older, you are drawing yourself nearer to a world of deceit. It is impossible to be the niave and carefree child you once were. Once you are off-guarded, you may be slashed by a parang. *lol* Ok, maybe i exaggerate a little. The idea is there.. People(somehow my examples are all men, but then again i have a small sample size, so i can't conclude is that particular species, so i generalise.. anyway) ain't that nice. You be the judge.
Eyewitness 1: Myself
My friend, Joey, befriends Ross. Hmmm.. or rather good friends with Ross(btw, I've never liked this fella from day 1. He has bad aura. I always trust me intuition and I strike again.) Ross has a girlfriend, Rachel whom I like. I have only spoken to her once and I can tell she loves Ross quite abit. Btw, they are together for very very very long.
So, There is this particular day, my friend Joey kept pestering me to go clubbing. After much persuasion(he has to persuade cos he is going his group of friends which makes me uncomfortable. I mean I like making friends(mostly gals), but you know it can be really odd. I prefer sticking with my usual clique. Anyway, I figure besides the part about as business student you should build as many contact as you can, acquaintances are quite pointless. You hardly know them and they are never there for you. I rather invest my time with those whom i care and cares for me. Ok, i digress alot. Back to the topic), I dragged myself there. I admit that I had fun that evening but was disturbed by something. To my dismay, Ross was holding another girl's hand and later grabbed her waist. Though they were dancing frantically at the dance floor, you can clearly tell they were flirting at the same time. I was concern, so i asked Joey what is his friend trying to do. Joey said the girl is drank, he is just taking care of her. I wasn't convinced with his explanation cos guys are always covering asses for their guy friends. (They call it brotherhood. Seriously, WADEVA~).
Weeks later, I stumbled upon a sms on Joey's phone. Ross at that time was seeking help from Joey. Apparently, the girl, lets call her Bridget, Bridget, has a boyfriend. She is crying and confronting Ross. I have learnt that Ross from the start place no interest in Bridget but kept leading her on. Bridget was obviously confused at that time cos she is comtemplating whether to break up with her bf for who you know. I know this sounds like some drama serials but then again drama serials are based on real accounts as well.
Guys may think that Bridget is so stupid. I can even hear them echoing: "Come on la! You go clubbing you don't expect to get love out of it!"But serioiusly, I feel sorry for Rachel and Bridget. Rachel is betrayed and yet have not clue about it. (Anyway, I think girls should start their spy team to spy on their bfs. Spies club members are all girls ofcourse. I meant it sucks to be cheated and not know about it) Bridget is fooled into liking Ross. I just don't understand PEOPLE sometimes. If you PEOPLE have no interest, why bother giving others a false impression. Are you seeking pleasure to see others weep and beg you to love them. Please spare us. We are fragile and not game to all your scheming tactics. See what I mean? Once you take off your armour u have people hurting you. Even the one you love and trust most may destroy you overnight. Like what my mum always says, choose your friends and love wisely. I don't mean to say that you should stay cynical about everything. You can keep your bubbly/cool/wadeva personality but just keep in mind that not everyone can be trusted.
Eyewitness 2: Joe
Go read his blog at http://simplejoe.blogspot.com/ My take is likewise. What is yours?
It's really strange how u wished to grow up when u were young and now hope you'll never grow. sigh~ Oh well.. Perhaps growing up doesn't seem that bad. Check out this quote:
"As we grow old... beauty steals inwards." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
You grow. Experience grows. You've grown to be mature.
Love you babes =)
4:10 AM
23 January 2006 ++
School is so dreadful. Individual assignments, tests and projects are piling. *moans*
I can't seem to get myself settled down with school work.
Guess part of me is still dreaming of holidays...
Lotsa photos to share.
Round 1 :

(btw dats xinyi's "cheesy" pose)

4. Trip to Sentosa
Weeeee~ I'm on a cable car
I'm a looney
Wax museum (the props are not made of wax)Gene new found friend
I love butterflies. Preety pretty pretty!
Butterfly princess =P

Inside Merlion
Sunset.. Lovely~
Post the rest when I am free. *yawn*
20 January 2006 ++
*Hugs and Kisses*
You guys have been pestering me to set up my blog...
Nah!! Here it is =)
I know you demand some explanation, here it goes..
There is a delay cos.. Initially, i wanted to launch my blog on an auspicious date eg. xmas or new year. Why? I have no clue myself. After having sa and estee nagging at me almost everyday, so I thought it's better start asap to seal their mouth. Anyway, I figure if want to stick to that whole auspicious thingy.. I will never be able to get it done..
So here it is. Today is THE DAY.. 200106.. Hmmm! Nothing Fascinating. Wadeva~
Argghh! This whole blogging thing is quite complicating.
First, I have to search for templates and most of them look like shit. The whole blogging procedure is so alien to me. So, you guys gotto give me some tips on this.
On an ending note, this blog is dedicated to of you... my beloved pals~
Do keep your blogs updated so that we can constantly keep in touch.. hee =)
Love you all always!! *Hugs*