10 April 2007 ++
When you are feeling down,
when you think you just cant manage a smile,
I'll be there,
to help you turn it all around.
There are times in life when nothing goes on right,
when you feel you just cant put up a fight,
I'll be there,
to accompany you into the brightest lights.
When you cant sleep and when your heart is in shattered heaps,
I'll be there
to take you out for a sweet sweet treat.
Life is too short to be feeling unhappy,
to live it all weepy and sappy.
I want to be there for you baby,
through the happy and the heavy,
that is all I'm asking for,
to be there,
to always help you soar,
i love you debbie,
to the very core.
=") 1:52 PM
21 March 2007 ++
Glad that u r part of my life.
You're my pride and joy.
smu sak, smu sak, smu sak sak sak!
=") 12:52 AM
14 March 2007 ++
I'm done with my final presentation for this sem.
A bitter sweet feeling, more bitter than sweet.
It's week 11 and in less than a month I'll no longer be an undergrad.
*takes in a deep breath*
dat aside, overdue pictures.
-Reunion at Keiths place-
Huat ah

feasting on good food

the mighty girls

the car gang
A game of black jack. you lose you eat this...

and i am one of the victim. Not gonna eat otah for a very very long time.

cheesecake. baked by yours truly.

happy bday to joan and me. *blush*

-Waikiki 2006-
wits and appetite. let me see we link..
sesame bar -> barbecue chicken -> chicken fillet -> fillet o fish -> fish food icecream -> cream of chicken -> chicken mee -> mee hoon kuay -> kuay tutu
I was laughing cos dex asked for one piece of uncooked mee hoon kuay. how smart.
we got fifth. quite sore abt it. why? ask the organisers.
another team photo

it's a bird, it's a plane. no it's...

nuttin actually
my feet covered with sand.

wits and appetite warriors. we were put though stormy weather and disgusting drink(chilli+ celery). yucks.

pushball champion

my fav pair of slippers. sob no more liao. it snapped.

a day of fun and laughter

A round of applause to the organisers of waikiki 2007.
There were hipcups here and there, but where got events perfect one?
Overall, u guys did a fabulous job! *big claps* 5:10 PM
22 February 2007 ++
bday celebration with the girls.
i am officially 23. weep.
10 years of friendship (mile freaking 20 years. gasp.) and still going strong. 1:10 AM
21 February 2007 ++
CNY has never been this fun.
posing as...













19 February 2007 ++
-uniY fundraising event-
Cool concept. A considerable success.
debs the mamasan with fiona the flasher.
14 February 2007 ++
Dolled up for a night of fun at zouk.

I wanna go clubbinggggg!!! 2:11 AM
Happy Valentine's to one and all.
Today is the day to show exceptional appreciation to the one u love.
So, to my true friends out there.. I love you all.
I know I ain't saying that enough.
ilu ilu ilu!
And it comes with...
a *big fat wet kiss*
Love is in the air~
My favourite verse from the bible that truly defines the meaning of love.
...without love I am nothing... without love I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perserveres. -1 Corinthians 13:4
Unconditional love is tough isn't it? But i am beginning to understand. 1:26 AM
12 February 2007 ++
Nothing beats..
chocolate cake,
a glass of champagne,
and a good friend.
05 February 2007 ++
As I was shifting all my must-haves from my sea training bag to my land training bag(yes they all have a different purpose),
I finally figure why my bag is always so huge.
You must have came across magazines that feature stuff celebrities/ladies carry in their handbags.
So I shall let you have a peek or more like declare wads inside that as-huge-as-Marry Poppin's-bag.
*debbie's barang barang*
Bright orange braun buffel wallet. I lurvvvveee it. I don't get why NO ONE appreciates it.
Monokuro boo diary. lol.
Dull orange nalgene bottle.
Shocking green nano covered in sunny orange sleeve.
Coach keychain(pretty! btw all my st.margs gals have the exact keychain of a different colour. how sweet is that?) is in a hotpink accessorize pouch, which is also pretty. lol.
Handphone protected by m)phosis hardcover casing.
Tissue paper in m)phosis brown leathery casing.
Nivea lipcare, lancome juicy tubes, bodyshop spring orchid, davidoff coolwater, eyebrown shader, clinque concealer, guardian plaster, nurofen, mirror and eyedrops in a big enough esprit waterproof pouch.
Alot of stuff huh?
By now you should have noticed my peculiar obsession.
Yes! I know there are many casings but they served a purpose alrite?
1. They look pretty so it makes me feel good. but more importantly...
2. They protect my stuff from getting scratches.
3. They help organise all the different small items.
See! I do things for a reason, it's not pure vanity. 1:19 PM